Love Stories Work Affairs Boy-Girl Fetishes Devoted to Pleasure Masturbation. Whispers in the Dim Room 『Mmm…』 In a small, dimly lit room, we exchanged gentle kisses. A karaoke date with my boyfriend, David. After singing to our hearts' content, the intimate space naturally created a sweet atmosphere. We were so in love, it was overwhelming. David's large hand approached my chest and gently touched it over my cl…. The Gentleman's Secret There is a man who is good at massages. He is a colleague at work and occasionally gives me massages. He doesn't have children but is married and is a very capable elite businessman. Everyone respected and relied on him, but recently, the management seemed to be bothered by his elite status and subjected him to power harassment, leading to his resignation. He used to give shoulder and back massages to…. A Night of Unexpected Encounters My boyfriend is in a soccer club, and although I'm not a manager or anything, I sometimes joined their drinking parties because a friend from high school is a manager in the same club. That day last Saturdaywe had a great time at an izakaya, and as the trains were about to stop running, we decided to call it a night. My boyfriend had work early the next morning, so he suggested we go home toge…. A Saturday Morning with Nathan Today is Saturday. At 10 in the morning, my boyfriend, Nathan, cheerfully arrived at my house with a gift. what's this? It looked delicious, so I bought it! I also have セックス 体験 だん tea, so let's drink it together. I'll pay you back. I bought it because I wanted to eat it with my girlfriend, so you…. A Month of Passionate Encounters Just last month. I met someone I got along with on a dating app, and since we lived nearby, we hung out. Talking about sexual topics was an everyday occurrence, and it was quite explicit. The other person said, "I've been feeling lonely lately," and hugged me. I didn't have a boyfriend either and was feeling a bit lonely, so being hugged by someone after a long time made me happy. When I didn't re…. A Journey of Unexpected Desires A little while ago, I experienced something unexpected. Until then, I was straight and never considered women as sexual partners. At that time, I was a university student and had been single for about a year after breaking up with my boyfriend. I had a mandatory English class once a week, and the teacher became my セックス 体験 だん partner in a lesbian encounter. The teacher was a single woman in her 40s, sli…. A Night of Unspoken Desires "Why won't you hold セックス 体験 だん They've visited each other's homes many times. She was getting tired of wearing cute lingerie, hoping today would be the day, only to be disappointed. This trip was Ryan's suggestion to celebrate their six-month anniversary. Emily's heart was full of anticipation as night…. The Secret Tuesdays I am a year-old married woman in my sixth year of marriage. My husband works as a salaryman at a trading company. We were classmates in high school, started dating back then, and got married ten years later. Last spring, we finally got our dream home and moved to this newly developed residential area. We can manage with just my husband's salary, but I work part-time at a local supermarket to pay of…. The Reluctant Romance Toilet
友美 仮名 24歳 教諭 私は私立の女子高で英語を教えている教師です。 都内の某私大の教育学部を卒業して、教師生活に入って2年目です。 高校のレベルは中堅クラスですが、進学率も高く、まじめなコも多く…. 彼女と関係を持ってから、ほぼ1ヶ月が経過した。 その間彼女は週末になるとオレのマンションへと通っていた。 2人は最初とは違いそれは、恋人同士というよりケダモノの行為に近かった。 Thinking it was a prank, I checked the content. イケナイこと 5 〜嘘のようでほんまの風俗体験〜 NEW 最高のエッチ体験告白 20日 19時59分. Until then, I was straight and never considered women as sexual partners.
レイプ・強姦・輪姦・陵辱された女 【現在35,話】月間万人が訪れるアダルト体験談・官能小説投稿サイトです。投稿した体験談や小説が高評価を受けると 当サイトでは、衝撃の初体験や夫婦・恋人同士のラブストーリー、セックスフレンドとの不倫・浮気話、禁断の近親相姦体験など、エッチでリアルな告白から妄想に至る 素人投稿のエロ体験談。様々なエッチ体験や変態プレイ。今よく読まれている人気の 人妻とのセックス体験投稿 · レイプ体験談.禁断の快楽:39歳の主婦のカップル喫茶での淫靡な体験 私は結婚して12年になる39歳の主婦。見た目は若く、30代前半に見られます。旦那との性生活はもう4〜5年もなく、恋愛感情も冷め切っていました。 ある日、気軽な気持ちで出会い系を始めてみました。そこで出会ったのは32歳の彼。初めはただの話し相 I can't remember when it started, but somehow, I became fascinated by the abnormal act of exposure. While eating, I looked at the spa service coupon and thought, "I haven't been to a spa in a long time. 麻耶 仮名 19歳 大学生 2週続きの雪で、寒い日が続いていますが、クラリス先生、お元気ですか? 私は19歳になったばかりの女子です。 私には、高校の同級生だった彼氏がいるのですが、たまに高校の制服を…. I wet my pillow with tears and my underwear with my own fluids. A Month of Passionate Encounters Just last month. あれは、高校3年生の時でした。 高校最後の思い出作りに、僕と友人とそれぞれの彼女とで花火をすることになりました。 夕方6時に集まって、とある公園にいくことにしたのです。 I was pressed into the corner of the seat and the wall by that woman,and I stayed still, covered by her. While my wife was being intimate, I asked if she wasn't scared. 日本最大の素人投稿アダルト掲示板ナンネット!日々大量にいただくご投稿は刺激的なものばかり! 只今の新着投稿 0 件. 嫁をベロンベロンに酔わせ目の前で NEW 寝取られ体験談 20日 12時54分. It was a Western-st…. It's a small shop, but the staff and the therapist are good people, and the conversations during the massage are fun and help relieve stress. Thinking it was a prank, I checked the content. We can manage with just my husband's salary, but I work part-time at a local supermarket to pay of…. こんにちは。 1回目、2回目と水泳教室でのできごとについて書いてきました。 反応が良いので、試しに書いてみただけだったのですが、気持ちが続く限りは自分の体験をひたすら書いていこうかなと思います。 今回も水泳教室関連のお話です。 今回は「生の裸を見た話」ではないのですが、今回登場する子は何個か続きが書ける子です。 反響次第では、今回登場する子について色々あったことを今後話そうかと思います。…. Instead of going inside right away, I sat on a bench in the garden. HOME カテゴリ ランキング 殿堂入りのエッチ体験談 投稿する. 熟年夫婦さんから投稿頂いた「熟年夫婦セックスを娘に見られた土曜の昼下がり」。 結婚して31年、俺57歳、妻の陽子は54歳、娘は二人とも独立し、上は嫁いで一昨年孫が出来た。 俺は今でも陽子が大好きだし、陽子も俺が大好きで、この歳になってもまだセッ He had been divorced once before,and his previous wife left him for another man within a year,so he had no lingering feelings,and he loved me as if it were his first marriage. A Night of Unexpected Encounters My boyfriend is in a soccer club, and although I'm not a manager or anything, I sometimes joined their drinking parties because a friend from high school is a manager in the same club. The Unexpected Encounter on the Train About a month ago, I experienced an incident on public transport, and I would like to write about it. 今回は私の会社を担当している営業マンとの出来事を書かせて頂きます。 営業マンとは長年付き合いがあり、プライベートでも頻繁に呑みに行く中で年は私の2歳上のバツ1です。 呑みに行くと必ずエロ話に発展していました。 私はNTRを画策し嫁ちゃんと営業マンには内緒で行動しました。 当日は金曜で私は休みを取り、夕方から営業マンと呑みに行くことを伝えてありました。 昼間は暇だから近場の混浴に行く予定で…. Just once, I want to be hypnotized and feel good. I live with my year-old father-in-law. We were so in love, it was overwhelming. 彼女と関係を持ってから、ほぼ1ヶ月が経過した。 その間彼女は週末になるとオレのマンションへと通っていた。 2人は最初とは違いそれは、恋人同士というよりケダモノの行為に近かった。 I instinctively held his hand down. Housewives tend to talk about these kinds of topics.